
Ann Jaqueline Fashion

I came across Ann Jaqueline's remarkable story and clothing line and was ever so moved. So many women important to me- my grandmother, aunt, two young friends, and many other people in my immediate life, have suffered from breast cancer. The issues I have seen so many face with self-confidence after a mastectomy (or double) have finally found comfort in a new line of clothing made specifically for Breast Cancer Survivors.
The founder and owner, Anja Mullins, is a breast cancer survivor in her fourth year of recovery after a single mastectomy. Anja was frustrated with the complete lack of comfortable, day-to-day fashion apparel available for mastectomy patients. To meet her own needs and those of other women like her, she designed a line of clothing that is extremely comfortable and easy to wear, giving mastectomy patients a natural and normal appearance without the need to wear the standard mastectomy bra with its bulky and uncomfortable prosthesis.

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